Monday, September 30, 2019

Using the Law to Protect the Environment

Introduction When defining the environment, Dimento (2003) states that it comprises of both natural and anthropogenic elements that are not only mutually interrelated, but has an impact on the ecological balance, life, human health, historical and cultural heritage and the landscape. From this definition, the environment comprises of three main things, the natural resources, the fauna and flora, and the properties which form part of the cultural heritage (Shelton & Kiss 2005). The misuse of environmental resources and pollution worldwide has prompted commitment from governments and major stakeholders to put in place measures to protect the environment, and, consequently, environmental laws are being enacted in an effort to protect the environment (Dimento 2003). The environmental resources cannot be rejuvenated once depleted; neither can it protect itself from misuse and pollution. Therefore, only the law can be used to protect the environment. Putting in place laws in charge of the environment w ill speak loudly about how the environment can be used sustainably as well as give prior warnings to those who may intend to misuse or pollute the environment. Laws usually give directions and consequences of going against such directions. Environment has its own rights and any violator of such rights will only be answerable to the law. According to UNEP, environmental law looks at the features of the protection programs which have been put in place to safeguard specific aspects of the environment and natural resources, such as water, air, waste and endangered species. It is also the reference point for judges presiding over environment related cases (Thirlway 2003). Before 1960, the environmental law did not exist as independently as other domestic or international legal issues (Shelton, Kiss & Kanami 2003). However, international laws in place currently to help tackle the scientific issues which affect the environment, such as uncertainty issues, sustainable development, issues of diversity and settings issues of individuals and the society, and economics aspects of the environment (Fitzmaurice 2003). These laws seek to control the use of resources in a sustainable manner and to eradicate contamination of the environment through pollution and similar human practices. These laws, therefore, protects against loss of biodiversity, loss of fertility, desertification and famine, depletion of fishing resources, increase of cancers due to depletion of the ozone layer and damage of future generations (Zaelke, Kaniaru & Kruzikova 2005). According to the United Nations (2003), sources of environmental laws can be classified into two categories: the National laws and the International laws. The basis of the legal mechanisms of the environmental law include prohibition and restriction of activities such as pollution, product and process standards, prior informed consent, environmental impact assessment, and land use regulation (Zaelke, Kaniaru & Kruzikova 2005). General ly, these laws are formulated in such a way that they are preventive, that is, they prevent damage of the environment such that the use of some resources from the environment must be approved through rigorous exercises of environmental impact assessment and other similar regulations. This, in a broader perspective, helps in protecting the environment. Sanctions and penalties have also been put in place for those who fail to comply and this also helps in protecting the environment (Stanley, Johnson & Gunther 1993). References. Dimento, J., (2003)., The Global Environment and International Law, .University Of Texas Press. Fitzmaurice, M., (2003)., The Practical Working of the Law of Treaties, In International law, Oxford University Press. Tarlock, D., History of Environmental law. Environmental law and their enforcement, Vol 1, Thirlway, H., (2003)., The Sources of International Law, In International Law, Oxford University Press. (272) Shelton and Kiss., (2005)., Judicial handbook on Environmental law, UNEP, Hertfordsire, Shelton, Kiss & and Kanami., (2003)., Economic Globalization and Compliance with International Environmental Agreements. New York:, Kluwer Law International, New York. Stanley, Johnson and & Gunther., (1993)., Managing Fragile Ecosystems: Combating Desertification and Drought, The Earth Summit: The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) n.d United Nations., (2003),. Handbook of Final Clauses of Multilateral Treaties, United Nations Environment Programme, Division of Policy Development and Law (â€Å"Unep/Dpdl†) Zaelke, Kaniaru & and Kruzikova,. (2005),. Making Law Work, Environmental Compliance and Sustainable Development.,Cameroon.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Industrial and Personnel Psychology Essay

1. Personal biographical characteristics of note are factors that describe an individual. Factors such as age, gender, marital status and tenure. These characteristics have an impact on the attitudes that an individual may have towards work and dependent variable such as productivity, absenteeism, and turnover and job satisfaction. The relationship between age and job performance is of great importance because it is believed that job performance decreases as age increases. Though not all employers have perceptions of older employees. From a positive perspective it is noted that older employees have more experience, judgment, ethics and commitment. In addition, with older employees, labour turnover is reduced. Because of their longer tenure within the organization they tend to enjoy increased wages, pension and many other benefits and are therefore less likely to leave. With regards to absenteeism and older employees, the evidence is however mixed. Although there are decreases in avoidable absenteeism rates compared to younger employees, there is an increase in unavoidable rates due to poor health due to age, and longer recovery periods. However from a negative point it is noted that older employees lack flexibility, there is a decrease in their productivity due to decreased speed, agility, strength and co-ordination and resistance to change in a changing environment. Consequently, organizations are reluctant to hire older employees. In addition, they tend to retrench them first when it comes to downsizing. Gender in job performance has no evidence that it affects job satisfaction. However there is a difference in work schedules because women mostly prefer part time work or work flexibility due to family responsibilities. With regards to absenteeism women usually have a higher rate of absenteeism than men as women traditionally care for the family. For example when children are sick, it is the mothers who tend to take off work in order to take care of such sick children. Married employees generally have a decrease in absenteeism, turnover and an increase in job satisfaction. This may be due to increased responsibilities. With regards to tenure, there is a positive relationship between seniority and job performance and a negative relationship between tenure and absenteeism. That is an increase in tenure and seniority tends to lead to better performance and an increase in tenure to lead to decrease in turnover. People are organization’s most valuable and expensive resource, but they are the most difficult element of an organization to manage. Individuals are almost infinitely different, they act differently in different circumstances and are, in many ways, entirely unpredictable. This means that, unlike machines, they are not interchangeable or able to be easily designed to do the jobs required of them. In terms of the organization, what we are interested in is the way in which people behave at work-that they perform effectively in pursuit of the organisation’s goals. The starting point for this is an understanding of what makes people behave in the way they do. Although psychologists do not agree on a single definition of personality, there is some consensus that it is concerned with characteristics patterns of behavior and modes of thinking that determine a person’s adjustment to the environment (Hilgard et al 1979:108). Two features of the above definition are noteworthy. In the first place, the word â€Å"characteristic† suggests a degree of performance in personality. In the second place, â€Å"environment† suggests that personality is displayed in a social and physical context. Beyond this consensus, there is a great deal disagreement over the development, structure and dynamics of personality. The correct interpretation and use of the results of personality measures and tests depends a great deal on the theory or approach on which the instruments are based. Without this knowledge, the description of personality may well be miused. Personality can therefore be referred to a dynamic concept describing the growth and development of a person’s whole psychological system. It looks at the whole person rather than at the sum of the individual parts. It is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his or her unique adjustments to his or her environment. An altogether different approach to personality concentrates on identifying and classifying those features that individuals may share. The different categories or types serve to emphasise the similarities within each group and the differences between the groups. These attempts to classify personality features are often referred to as the type or trait approach. There are a number of personality determinants, namely, Heredity, the Environment, or the Situation. Heredity is the process of transmitting biological traits from parent to offspring through genes, the basic units of heredity. Heredity also refers to the inherited characteristics of an individual, including traits such as height, eye color, and blood type. Heredity accounts for why offspring look like their parents: when two dogs mate, for example, they have puppies, not kittens. If the parents are both Chihuahuas, the puppies will also be Chihuahuas, not great Danes or Labrador retrievers. The puppies may be a little taller or shorter, a little lighter or a lot heavier than their parents are. Their faces may look a little different, or they may have different talents and temperaments. In all the important characteristics, however—the number of limbs, arrangement of organs, general size, fur type—they will share the traits of their parents. The principles of heredity hold true not only for a puppy but also for a virus, a roundworm, a pansy, or a human. Genetics is the study of how heredity works and, in particular, of genes. A gene is a section of a long deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule, and it carries information for the construction of a protein or part of a protein. Through the diversity of proteins they code for, genes influence or determine such traits as eye color, the ability of a bacterium to eat a certain sugar, or the number of peas in a pod. A virus has as few as a dozen genes. A simple roundworm has 5000 to 8000 genes, while a corn plant has 60,000. The construction of a human requires an estimated 50,000 genes. Personality characteristics are not completely dictated by heredity however, as otherwise they would remain the same throughout life despite the experiences we have. Environment is referred to all of the external factors affecting an organism. These factors may be other living organisms (biotic factors) or nonliving variables (abiotic factors), such as temperature, rainfall, day length, wind, and ocean currents. The interactions of organisms with biotic and abiotic factors form an ecosystem. Even minute changes in any one factor in an ecosystem can influence whether or not a particular plant or animal species will be successful in its environment. Organisms and their environment constantly interact, and both are changed by this interaction. Like all other living creatures, humans have clearly changed their environment, but they have done so generally on a grander scale than have all other species. Some of these human-induced changes—such as the destruction of the world’s tropical rain forests to create farms or grazing land for cattle—have led to altered climate patterns. In turn, altered climate patterns have changed the way animals and plants are distributed in different ecosystems. Scientists study the long-term consequences of human actions on the environment, while environmentalists—professionals in various fields, as well as concerned citizens—advocate ways to lessen the impact of human activity on the natural world. Situation is one of the determinants of personality which influences the effect of heredity and environment on personality. Personality, which is generally stable, often changes in different situations.  For example, we may behave very differently at a party with our friends as opposed to how we would do at a social gathering of work colleagues and our managers. 2. Attitude refers to an opinion or general feeling about something. Attitudes are, essentially feelings towards people or things. How people feel, what they believe, what they intend to do, and whether and how they do it may all be connected, and may all be related to the process of perception. To try to reduce the confusion in this area over the use of words and concepts such as â€Å"feelings† and â€Å"beliefs†, Fishbein (19670 put forward the following hierarchical model. Beliefs What we think about people, things, relationships etc â€Å"My work provides no challenge† Attitudes Affective responses to those people, things, relationships etc. â€Å"I see work only as a means to getting money† Intentions Congnitive states â€Å"I will look for my challenge in my leisure time† Behavior or Action Observable events â€Å"I take up mountaineering† Attitudes are learned. They derive from our personal reaction to information and events, which manifest themselves as beliefs and feelings about a particular subject. We learn many of our attitudes when we are very young. They are conditioned by those around us and the conditions or situations in which we find ourselves. Some-particularly feelings-are so strong that they stay with stay with us and affect us for the rest of our lives. The range of influences is complex, but it includes the following: * The groups to which we belong-most notably, in early life, the family, but also friendship groups, work groups * Education * Life experiences- particularly the most profound personal ones such as bereavement, etc. but also those experiences which we observe e. g on Tv, or read about. We are aware, too, that our attitudes change over time as a result of the influence of the above factors. For example, it is very often the case that young people have more liberal attitudes than older people, but as they enter work and acquire family and financial commitments and responsibilities they tend to become more â€Å"conservative†. One of the key elemen ts of management in organizations is how to modify or change people’s behaviour. This is central to such features as motivation, securing effective performance, introducing change, etc. whilst as noted above, attitudes do not necessarily condition behaviour, and they are a significant determinant. In organizations, managers use attitude survey to measure and thereby predict behaviour. Managers use information gathered in attitude surveys to guide them in decisions relative to employees. Attitude surveys elicit responses from employees through questionnaires about how they feel about their jobs, work- groups, supervisors and or the organization. Attitude surveys provide managers with valuable feedback on how workers perceive working conditions, and alert them to problems or employee intentions early so that action can be taken in time. Increasingly, attitudinal surveys are being used within organizations to find out about the potential reactions of staff to particular courses of action (for example, organizational change) or to form judgments about their suitability for particular posts (in a similar way to how personality tests are used). Operational methods for attitude surveys generally seek to measure fire components for each belief. Thus, attitudes to work could be measured as follows: * Strength of feeling about the job itself. The strength with which various attitudes are held about different aspects of the job which are listed, measured on perhaps a seven point scale, from â€Å"agree totally† through neutral to â€Å"disagree totally†. * Value of job to self. Evaluating various aspects of the job, again, but in relation to its meaning to the individual. * Social factors. Attitudes and behaviour do not depend on inner perceptions alone, but also upon surrounding social pressures-the person’s perceptions of what others think he/she should do. The social factors must be investigated in order to understand all the factors determining behaviour. * Overall attitude An overall assessment of the respondent’s attitudes to the contex of the job and to work itself, for example, the value and meaning it has in his/ her life. This is a useful measure as it allows more generalized attitudes to the job to be explored. * Intended behaviour Potential reactions to different scenarios about the job or its context. Although hypothetical, this prediction makes an interesting correlation with actual behaviour. Surveys must have a very clear specification of what they are seeking to measure. Just as with personality tests, there is the ever present danger that the way in which questions are phrased, or the underlying assumptions made, will influence the outcome. Job satisfaction and its opposite, job dissatisfaction, refer to the attitudes and feelings job holders have towards their work. Morale can be viewed as a state of mind dependent on the dependent on the degree of job satisfaction experienced by an individual or group. There is general agreement that job dissatisfaction can have harmful effects on both job holders and the organization. Research has associated job dissatisfaction with all the indicators of low morale-high labour turnover, skills wastage, absenteeism, high accident rates, poor timekeeping and a lack of commitment to quality. An individual with low job satisfaction may suffer frustration and stress. Although stress may arise from many quarters, it is the inability to deal with and manage stress that afflicts the individual who suffers job dissatisfaction. Job satisfaction is determined by a number of factors namely, mentally challenging work, equitable rewards, supportive working conditions, and supportive colleagues. Research has shown that employees prefer jobs that give them opportunities to use their abilities and skills. Characteristics such as freedom, feedback and a variety of tasks make work mentally challenging and allow employees to feel pleasure and satisfaction. On other hand, jobs that are not mentally challenging create boredom, frustration and feelings of failure. Employees want rewards (e. g. pay, promotions) that they perceive as just and in line with their expectations. Satisfaction will occur if pay is seen as based on job demands, skill and community standards. It is not the actual amount of pay that counts, but rather the perception of fairness. Individuals that also perceive promotional decisions as fair will be job satisfied. Employees are concerned with working conditions that are comfortable and that enable one to do an optimal job. Environmental factors such as temperature, light, noise should not be too extreme. Factors such as proximity to home, cleanliness, technology and adequate tools, help increase job satisfaction. As well as tangible achievements, employees also work for social interaction. Therefore having friendly and supportive co-workers and superiors also lead to increased job satisfaction. On many occasions managers’ interest in job satisfaction centers on its effect on employee performance. Therefore studies have been made to identify the relationships between satisfaction and performance. Organized studies in particular have focused on the effect of satisfaction on the dependent variables such as Productivity, Absenteeism and Turnover. There is no real proof that satisfaction leads to productivity. The saying â€Å"a happy worker is a productive worker† is wishful thinking. Often productivity leads to satisfaction and not the other way around. Productivity leads to increase in rewards, recognition, which in turn increases satisfaction. Satisfaction may lead to productivity on an organization level rather than on an individual level. Dissatisfied workers are more likely to be absent. This relationship can be affected however by sick leave benefits which might encourage workers to be absent. While satisfied employees are less likely to leave work. This can however be affected by, labour market conditions, expectations about alternative job offers and length of tenure. Level of satisfaction is less important in predicting turnover for superior employees as more effort is made to keep these individuals. Satisfaction-turnover relationship is also affected by the individuals disposition towards life. If two people are dissatisfied the positive one is more likely to leave.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Pauls Case Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pauls Case - Research Paper Example The story commences with Paul’s faculty hearing after he was suspended from his high school located in Pittsburgh. He arrives at the meeting in outfits that are shabby and debonair at the same time. In particular, he had a red carnation in his buttonhole, which affronted the members of the faculty. As presented in the book, Paul is described as a narrow-shouldered, tall person with large pupils that strike the chord of a drug addict (Cather 7). The members of the faculty had a hard time to coherent their feelings about Paul. They all have a feeling that Paul hates them deeply. His family members view him as a person who had no interest in school. Moreover, the faculty members complain of disturbance caused by Paul in the classroom, and his defiant nature to the student’s council among other bodies. When Paul is still in the presence of the council, he keeps smiling, which makes his accusers feel insignificant. Some of the misdeeds he was identified with included disorder, ill will and impertinence to the staff and his fellow students. Moreover, he is also described as suave due to his nature of raising his eyebrows, which were regarded as irritating, and the brilliance in his eyes, which quivered the teacher’s casual touch (Cather 10). Paul’s drawing master was always on his side claiming that the teacher’s did not understand him clearly. Moreover, he also states that the mother to Paul had died after his birth in Colorado. These statements make the teachers and other members of the faculty ashamed about their ferocious nature towards Paul. Later on, Paul went Carnegie Hall that is located in Pittsburgh where he served as an usher. He had arrived quite early that day, so, he went through the Hall’s gallery to get a view of the paintings of Venice and Paris (Cather 20). In his strolling, he stares at one painting named blue Rico. Afterwards, he proceeds to the changing room together

Friday, September 27, 2019

Management Case Study of Xerox Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management Case Study of Xerox - Essay Example Eventually, it will evaluate whether or not hiring and promoting women and minorities has been unfair to white men. Human resource professionals are at a good position to help in ensuring that top organizational leaders encourage managers and employees to follow laws and guidelines. They can do this through a number of ways. For instance, they may organize various trainings so as to teach top leaders on how to protect the profits of the organization, a step that may encourage the top leaders to abide by the laws, and go on to encourage other employees to do the same. In addition, the federal government supervises the recruitment of workers as well as the protection of their rights, especially if the workers happen to come from organizations that do business with the government. This prevents such organizations from manipulating the implementation of laws and guideline due to the fear of a contract cancellation that may reduce the organization’s profits. A clear understanding o f this motivates the leaders to introduce programs and policies that openly show such organizations are protecting the rights of all employees. Top leaders can also be involved in safety promotion campaigns within the work environments. Their priority should be to influence managers and employees, since workers who have safety in mind always look forward to abiding by safety laws when at work (Stuart, 2011). Human resource professionals can also establish monthly rendezvous with the top leaders concerning the laws and guidelines. They may use such opportunities to show the leaders the best ways of helping employees to abide to laws. Responsibilities attached to organizational legal matters should be taken seriously on a â€Å"daily basis,† and as such, the human resource professionals will use the meetings to sensitize organizational leaders on the seriousness of such responsibilities. It is after this that the leaders will pass such knowledge to not only their management sta ff but also other employees. Also, employees always tend to â€Å"follow their leaders.† Therefore, compliance to laws and guidelines can be encouraged more when organizational leaders also demonstrate a high sense of commitment to complying with the laws and guidelines. The leaders have to be committed to complying with laws that promote diversity and safety in the work place (Stuart, 2011). Organizational leaders also need to be made aware of the importance of not only effective communication but also awareness and training. Leaders need to effectively communicate the importance of not only safety but also diversity, to managerial staff and other employees. It can be done by making available awareness posters at the work environment, trainings on-line and conducting small â€Å"work-group seminars.† The human resource professionals should also encourage the organizational leaders to monitor as well as measure the â€Å"key results of the hiring process, to include h iring and recruiting minorities.† By keeping track of such things, it will be a pure proof that the organization complies with federal provisions. Leaders also need to found incentive programs for not only managers but also other junior employees. If the rates of accidents is relatively low and â€Å"no diversity issues are brought up† then the groups deserve to be rewarded for complying with the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Relocation Stress Syndrome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Relocation Stress Syndrome - Essay Example The essay "Relocation Stress Syndrome" analyzes the article "Reducing Relocation Stress Syndrome In Long Term Care Facilities" written by Sherri Melrose where she states that one of the possible issues that care, givers, patients and their families experience due in health care settings is relocation stress syndrome. She states that relocation may disturb cognitive as well as physical balances of the patient during the initial year of his transfer to a care unit that provides long-term care. She states that during the initial three months of the transfer, both the patient as well as their family may express feelings that are negative in nature due to relocation. She states that care givers can deal with the issue, by carefully listening to the problems stated by both the family and the patient, the care giver con put forward different choices and identify patient’s coping strategies and use them to make the patient comfortable. She concludes her research by stating that it is very difficult for a registered nurse to identify whether a patient is suffering from such stress and providing empathy may even become difficult and the most difficult part of the entire process is keeping a record. I believe that every individual has a way of coping with stress, but certain people are informed about it and others are not. A nurse can identify these strategies through observation and interviews and once they have identified the strategies, they can implement to help the patient in coping with the stress.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Management of leg ulcer infected Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Management of leg ulcer infected - Essay Example It is necessary to warn that leg ulcer infected by this virus leads also to limited functionality, mobility and constant disturbing pain. It is seen that this diseases is serious and it requires thorough treatment and management in order to cure and to prevent infection's spreading. Doctors advise to eat raw foods and steamed vegetables for several months in order to improve and to speed treatment process. But this diet has to be only additional method of management involving surgical operation or other methods. It was mentioned that people infected should eat also leafy vegetables of dark color to increase intake of vitamin K MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) is known to be a type of bacteria which appears and lives on skin, legs, in mouth or nose of approximately one third of completely healthy people. Commonly it is not harmful, but when it occasionally gets into person's body through wounds and breaks of skin it can cause such infections as ulcer, impetigo, abscesses, warts, etc. but what is more important to know is that MRSA is the cause of more serious diseases involving blood poisoning, heart-valve infection or infection in bones(Phillips 1991). Leg ulcer is a chronic condition caused either by MRSA infection or by incompetent work of venous system in legs or feet. Capillary pressures and permeability is affected in the result. Leg ulcers are open sores which usually develop on infected areas of skin in the lower extremities such as legs and feet (usually above ankle and below the knee area). When the tissues are infected by MRSA bacteria it becomes to erode and as the result the skin develops open sores. If the leg ulcers develop open sores and skin is broken the process of healing is very slow. General treatment includes: wound dressing changes, elevation, patient psychological education and external compression. In hard cases the surgery intervention is needed(Callam 1985). It is also necessary to define the possible reasons of ulcer developing. They are: Vascular diseases Trauma and physical circumstances Metabolic disease Possible symptoms infected by MRSA: leg ulcer as the result of infection develops usually inside the leg and below the ankle. It is known that ulcers are open wounds which can ooze sticky fluid and then wounds crust over. The common signs are pain, skin sensitivity and itching. Symptoms of developing ulcer are: Skin becomes purple on the infected area Skin becomes thick and dry Skin starts itching in infected area(Phillips 1991). But it is necessary to admit that ulcer infected by MRSA is too difficult to cure, because this type of bacteria becomes nowadays resistant to many types of antibiotics, for example to antibiotic methicillin. One possible way treatment is surgical treatment aimed at treating leg ulcer by means of skin grafting. But there are other surgical treatment approaches. For example, in a study (Phillips 1991) surgery intervention includes "superficial stripping and excision of varices, subfascial perforating vein interruption, excision and skin grafting, excision and free flap coverage". It is necessary to identify what the aim of treatment is. Firstly, it is necessary to suppress disease and for this purpose such drugs as

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Road Not Taken Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Road Not Taken - Essay Example The prominent literary movement that can be observed within the poem is iambic tetrameter with four stressed syllables present per line. This poem has two more distinctions – one that it is considered by many as Frost’s most popular work and two that this poem is considered very tricky by Frost himself. (Grimes, 2006) There is controversy to whether the poem in question was directed more at the poet’s life than at someone else. One of Frost’s own statements from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference of 1953 provides great insight (Ballantine, 2003): "One stanza of 'The Road Not Taken' was written while I was sitting on a sofa in the middle of England: Was found three or four years later, and I couldn't bear not to finish it. I wasn't thinking about myself there, but about a friend who had gone off to war, a person who, whichever road he went, would be sorry he didn't go the other. He was hard on himself that way." The reference to the friend here is fe llow poet Edward Thomas. The poet and Thomas used to take long walks together through a forest. After each walk, the poet noticed that Thomas regretted not having taken the path that they did not take. Thomas would relate that they might have missed quite some things on the path that they did not travel on. ... The poet lived a life filled with grief and misery to a large extent but it must be noted that these problems could not dissuade Frost from displaying his true genius as a poet. The poem will provide a glimpse of this as we go along the explication. Moreover, some of the core beliefs that the poet held throughout life will be seen reflecting prominently from this poem. Perhaps, none is more apparent than Frost’s statement: â€Å"I have discovered three words about life – it goes on.† The poem starts out with the first verse relating the splitting of paths. The paths â€Å"diverged in a yellow wood†. Using these words, the poet expresses two distinct things. One thing is that the path that the author was travelling on has come to a crossroads. Secondly, the poet has come to a â€Å"yellow wood† that signifies the onset of autumn when the New England countryside turns yellow. The poet spent a great deal of his life is New England and was known for his affiliation to rustic countryside scenes. His use of vivid imagery to transmit social and personal phenomenon is nothing new therefore the use of the term â€Å"yellow wood† signifies the author standing at a cross roads having a difficult decision to execute. One literary device in use over here is the antithesis whereby the author is torn between which paths to take. The poet moves into the second verse by indicating that he feels sad at not being able to travel both paths being offered. Here the poet can be seen to be tugging his friend Edward Thomas’ line of thinking. Thomas held every single time that he missed out on the path that he did not travel on. Similarly, the poet wants to travel both paths simultaneously so that he does not miss out on anything

Monday, September 23, 2019

Analyze and evaluate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analyze and evaluate - Essay Example Evidently, the two queries differ in the sense that one ought to be responded to by virtue of proving the existence of God while the second already holds the truth of God’s existence yet seeks resolution concerning how God’s qualities may or may not suit the act of deception. On this ground, it follows that the two proofs of God’s existence are necessarily different. To analyze how the synthesis of one proof is distinct from that of the other, in the process, one would be able to figure that besides God’s existence, the properties associated with the existing entity, being supreme and infinite in nature, must be utilized to affirm a congruous proposition that God cannot be a deceiver. According to Descartes’ ontological argument stating â€Å"The mere Idea of God, proves God’s existence† (Descartes’ First Proof, Med. III) -- God, being a concept, is sufficient proof in itself of His existence and this may be found to acquire str ong support from the unshakeable truth â€Å"I think therefore I am† (Med. II) for with this conclusion is the knowledge of the fact that the rational capacity of an individual attests to his being and the natural ability to rationalize as such is not without value or consequence so that what is conceived exists as well. Thus, the notion of God in the mind is all that it takes to establish the truth that God does exist though no material or concrete evidence is perceived. Descartes, however, further explicates â€Å" †¦ because I cannot conceive anything but God to whose essence existence necessarily pertains† (Descartes’ Argument in Med. V) and that â€Å"By the name God, I understand a substance infinite, [eternal, immutable], independent, all-knowing, all-powerful† (Med. III: 22 – 23). In addition, hence, Descartes acknowledged herein that the encompassing presence of God entails the presence of attributes preconceived or known prior in ref erence to God on the basis of which, he manages to validate that through God’s perfection, the idea of God’s infinity must have been something implanted by God himself (Med. III:38) for Descartes argues â€Å"I should not, however, have the idea of an infinite substance, seeing I am a finite being† (Med. III:23). Apparently, Descartes needed the two proofs of God’s existence to be able to substantiate a sound claim that it is not possible for God to deceive the philosopher despite his finite limits and weakness as a rational human being. Having realized that God is perfect occurs equivalent to having arrived at the thought that deception may only come from the absolute opposite of perfection which is imperfection (Med. III). Both proofs are of equal significance for in the event God could not be proven to exist, it is useless to find out the likelihood that he is a deceiver and similarly, it makes no sense to justify God’s existence alone for this would readily demand investigation of what he is made of in finer details. Rather than operating from different aspects, independent of each other, they function hand in hand to strengthen one another’s validity and worth. Secondly, does Descartes give a satisfactory account of human error, given a perfect and divine creator? Are Descartes’ arguments convincing, or does it still seem unnecessary and less than perfect that God created us with flaws? Descartes finds â€Å"error is virtually a moral failing, the willful exercise of my powers of believing in excess of my

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Identity of Interpersonal relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Identity of Interpersonal relationships - Essay Example Identity and perception for example manifest themselves through social interactions with others. Through such interactions, people share ideas and exchange views on varying topical issues in a society. The interactions thus portray the uniqueness of the values of an individual all of which portray both their identities and perceptions about the topical issues. Talk and interpersonal relationships on the other hand are the basis of social interactions. The success of such interactions relies on the uniqueness of an individual and their ability to hold effective social interactions through talk. Humans are social beings who rely on social interactions and talk to create reliable interpersonal relationships. People create new interpersonal relationships on a daily basis. Some of such relationships persist while others die. The survival of the interpersonal relationships relies on the identities and perceptions of the respective individuals in the relationships. As explained earlier, identity refers to the uniqueness of every individual. People therefore form interpersonal relationships depending on their ability to share similar values. The ability to share similar values on the other hand arises from the similarity of the identity of the people. Every profession requires effective personalities and the ability to form successful interpersonal relationships. A journalist for example is a social individual capable of interacting with different people appropriately. A journalist should create effective and reliable relationship with other journalists from other institutions. This way, another journalist would readily share information about news events thereby helping one obtain scoops where possible. Such relationships are forms of friendships that rely on the ability of an individual to share social values with the friend. Additionally, a journalist interviews varied news sources on a daily basis. The

Saturday, September 21, 2019

E-Bulletin Board System Essay Example for Free

E-Bulletin Board System Essay Chapter 3 Methodologies These Chapters provide, the research described the method of the research used and data gathering procedure, instruments and data processing techniques. Also provide the Technical Background, Theoretical and Conceptual Framework that will be tackling in this chapter. A. Technical Background In this study the main propose of our system is to create a reliable Computer Based Record Remittance System. In which we enhance the searching and updating the remittance of the employees of the Columban College specially the former employees that requesting the record of their remittances. The proposed system will use high level languages Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) for the system programming and for the style will be use Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) and for the records of remittances will be used database (SQL). It can search and update files of the remittances that will serve as the records. The records will be in the database that the administrator can view and can search, add, edit, and update. The proposed system will use the software Microsoft Windows Apache Server MySQL PHP Pearl (WAMP); this software will be needed to run the system and to be able to use it. The theory given in Figure 1. 1 shows that the use of the process of model also tells us that every function within our company contains key elements that define our processes. The inputs that are needed to perform the process and the process define the step taken to create the output, and the outputs will be the product or services created. This theory help us in our proposed system to determine the functions of our inputs which are the records of the remittances that all data will be process in the way that data entries of all files that they want to store in the database. And the output will be the entered data that is now the new record, and it can use now as the original file in the company. C. Conceptual Framework This conceptual framework becomes the central theme, the focus, the main thrust of the study. It visualizes the idea of the proposed system that can access by the administrator. Figure 2. 0 Conceptual Framework The flow of the Figure 2. 0 uses a high level language Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) for the application programming and therefore the information source (Database, Searching, Adding, Editing, Updating, and Deleting). The data collected provided significant and necessary results and conclusions, and possible solutions to unpredictable problems that may arise. The appropriately selected instruments employed were the questionnaire, and the technique applied was the observation method. Observation This method is vital in gathering facts that will support the study in a way which promotes the validity of the data gathered. This technique was adapted because instances often arise and may not be avoided when certain data is not adequately and credibly secured through the use of questionnaire and except through observation.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Stolen Party: Literature Analysis

The Stolen Party: Literature Analysis In the story The Stolen Party, Rosaura, the protagonist, is a young naive girl who believes and trusts that all people are good. Her mother believes that all rich people are liars and they are inferior to them. She feels that her daughter will not be looked upon as equals. Despite her mothers judgement, Rosaura continues to spend most of her time trying to convince her mother, as well as everyone at the party, that being an educated girl makes her an equal to everyone at the party. Rosaura believes that she is invited to the party because she and Luciana are friends. They spend a good amount time together. Every afternoon, they do their homework, drink tea in the kitchen and tell each other secrets. Spending all that time with Luciana gives Rosaura enough reason to assume that they are friends. Her mother tells her that she is not Lucianas friend, but merely the maids daughter. At the party, Rosaura helps Sefiora Ines, Lucianas mother, by serving at the party. Rosaura believes that S efiora Ines is asking her to help because she is dependable and knows the house better than anyone else at the party. She feels like she is fitting in Lucianas lifestyle and not being judged based on her social status, until she is harshly brought back to reality and faces the position of being inferior to rich people. At the end of the party, Sefiora Ines hands out loot bags to all the children and Rosaura even expected that she might get 2 for helping so much at the party. However, Sefiora Ines did not give her any loot bags and instead handed her 2 bills from her purse. She said you truly earned this [] thank you for all your help, my pet (Heker 4). The innocent Rosaura was shocked when she discovered that her mother was right all along. Rich people can never treat poor people as their friends, only as their inferior. Rosaura felt her arms stiffen, stick close to her body, and then she noticed her mothers hand on her shoulder. Instinctively, she pressed herself against her mother s body. That was all. Except her eyes. Rosauras eye had a cold, clear look that fixed itself on Sefiora Ines face (Heker 4). Her dreams and her innocence were shattered by her naive thinking that she will not be judged based on her social class as well as Sefiora Ines treatment towards Rosaura. Similarly, in the story The Fall of the City, Teddy, the protagonists innocence was destroyed by his own naivety when he believed that he could live in his imaginary world forever. In the centre of the room stood a fort and a palace, painstakingly constructed from corrugated cardboard cartons (Nowlan 1). He made his own palace and army out of cardboard boxes where he was the commander; he controlled everything in his world, and he had nothing to worry about. However, one day when his uncle found out that Teddy was playing with paper dolls, he constantly humiliated him. His uncle had a stereotypical view on gender roles, in which he believes that boys should not be playing with dolls, as it was a female thing to do. When Teddy plays quietly, his uncle automatically assumes that he is getting into trouble and embarrasses him. What Teddy had imagined and created for himself could not keep up with reality. There was no king Theodore, no Emperor Kang, no Theodoresburg, no Upalia, no Danov a. There was only an attic full of preposterous cardboard buildings and ridiculous paper people (Nowlan 3). He could no longer feel the magic that he once felt playing with his palace. When he went to the attic, the city was as he had left it. Yet everything had changed. Always before when we had come there, his flesh has tingled, his eyes had shone with excitement. Now there was only a taste like that of a spoil nutmeat (Nowlan 3). He was constantly ridiculed and let down by the adults in his life, mainly his uncle, which resulted in him tearing and destroyed his own cardboard palace which ultimately lead to the destruction of his innocence. In both stories, the authors showed that both childrens naivety and the adults role in each story resulted in them being betrayed and disappointed. In both stories, the protagonist is looking for approval from their society and in each story, there are different stereotypes. In The Stolen Party Rosaura wanted approval from the higher class society and the support from her mother to believe that not all rich people are bad. In the end, Rosaura refuses to accept change, and believe that all people are bad, but learns that In contrast, in The fall of the City, Teddy is looking for approval from his uncle. His uncle had a stereotypical view on gender roles, in which he believes that boys should not be playing with dolls, as it was a female thing to do.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Microsoft Analysis Essays -- essays research papers

Microsoft Analysis Introduction and Summary of Company History and Background Information Microsoft over the past 27 years has positioned itself as the arterial system of almost all computers rolled into use across the world. Albeit with no competition worth the name to challenge its existence leave alone on technology advancements, the company has still managed to keep pace with both felt and perceived needs of its customers and its niche remains robust thus far. Nevertheless disturbing winds have begun to blow. Its corporate governance is under the microscope and the world is watching as to how Microsoft is bracing itself for the challenges posed both by competition (however innocuous it may be at present) and technology proliferation. Let us look at Microsoft ¡Ã‚ ¦s expansion plans and initiatives to integrate them to its existing competencies -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Microsoft ¡Ã‚ ¦s role according to Mr. Gates himself is to provide a software platform that allows everyone who is building applications to build far more powerful applications. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  MOM (Microsoft Operations Manager) 2005, which is a key management software and Virtual Server product as part of simplification of the IT lifecycle have been launched recently -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In hardware domain the company has had the benefit of exponential improvement in recent decades. During the first half of next year, the company is expected to have a very smooth transition from 32-bit to 64-bit systems, with total binary compatibility. This will provide the ability to mix 32-bit and 64-bit; a simple recompilation for any application using the full 64-bit address base. That is a wonderful milestone no longer requiring people to buy expensive systems simply to achieve the best possible performance. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New graphics chips for better visualization; larger screens, moving up to 17-inch, 19-inch or multi PAL type LCD displays; and RFID for tagging information and having them available to track is on the agenda too. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Software developments in photography, web searches and music, and advances in gaming applications are on the anvil -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Web-service protocols for connecting applications  ¡V Exchange and XML data are already in the pipeline. All this of course does not guarantee soun... ...ation and innovation leading to altogether new role and share in the market. This has a telescopic effect on gross market share rather than on limited niche share In the context of Microsoft all the above possible strategies have been discussed. No doubt the company still enjoys pre-eminent position in its niche market. In the foreseeable future no major threat is perceived to this position. But the fact is its niche market of today is threatening to lapse into dilution and redundancy due to rapid overshadowing by Internet and Wireless devices and applications. This is not of course going to make the company obsolete by any stretch of imagination. However there are perceptible warning signals, which the company will do well to recognize, invest in right research and innovation and sustain its leading edge in spite of the market dynamics and increasing competition. The focus areas have to be in tune with evolving technologies and applications. As marketing by definition is to identify customer needs and to satisfy them, the company cannot always hope to thrust its products and applications on the customers. Microsoft has the resources to do it. It should be willing to just do it Microsoft Analysis Essays -- essays research papers Microsoft Analysis Introduction and Summary of Company History and Background Information Microsoft over the past 27 years has positioned itself as the arterial system of almost all computers rolled into use across the world. Albeit with no competition worth the name to challenge its existence leave alone on technology advancements, the company has still managed to keep pace with both felt and perceived needs of its customers and its niche remains robust thus far. Nevertheless disturbing winds have begun to blow. Its corporate governance is under the microscope and the world is watching as to how Microsoft is bracing itself for the challenges posed both by competition (however innocuous it may be at present) and technology proliferation. Let us look at Microsoft ¡Ã‚ ¦s expansion plans and initiatives to integrate them to its existing competencies -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Microsoft ¡Ã‚ ¦s role according to Mr. Gates himself is to provide a software platform that allows everyone who is building applications to build far more powerful applications. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  MOM (Microsoft Operations Manager) 2005, which is a key management software and Virtual Server product as part of simplification of the IT lifecycle have been launched recently -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In hardware domain the company has had the benefit of exponential improvement in recent decades. During the first half of next year, the company is expected to have a very smooth transition from 32-bit to 64-bit systems, with total binary compatibility. This will provide the ability to mix 32-bit and 64-bit; a simple recompilation for any application using the full 64-bit address base. That is a wonderful milestone no longer requiring people to buy expensive systems simply to achieve the best possible performance. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New graphics chips for better visualization; larger screens, moving up to 17-inch, 19-inch or multi PAL type LCD displays; and RFID for tagging information and having them available to track is on the agenda too. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Software developments in photography, web searches and music, and advances in gaming applications are on the anvil -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Web-service protocols for connecting applications  ¡V Exchange and XML data are already in the pipeline. All this of course does not guarantee soun... ...ation and innovation leading to altogether new role and share in the market. This has a telescopic effect on gross market share rather than on limited niche share In the context of Microsoft all the above possible strategies have been discussed. No doubt the company still enjoys pre-eminent position in its niche market. In the foreseeable future no major threat is perceived to this position. But the fact is its niche market of today is threatening to lapse into dilution and redundancy due to rapid overshadowing by Internet and Wireless devices and applications. This is not of course going to make the company obsolete by any stretch of imagination. However there are perceptible warning signals, which the company will do well to recognize, invest in right research and innovation and sustain its leading edge in spite of the market dynamics and increasing competition. The focus areas have to be in tune with evolving technologies and applications. As marketing by definition is to identify customer needs and to satisfy them, the company cannot always hope to thrust its products and applications on the customers. Microsoft has the resources to do it. It should be willing to just do it

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Boston Tea Party :: essays research papers

The Boston Tea Party was the key-event for the Revolutionary War. With this act, the colonists started the violent part of the revolution. It was the first try of the colonists, to rebel with violence against their own government. The following events were created by the snowball effect. There, all the colonists realized the first time, that they were treated wrong by the British government. It was an important step towards the independence dream, which was resting in the head of each colonist. They all flew from their mother country to start a new life in a new world, but the British government didn't gine them the possibility by controlling them. The causes for the Boston Tea Party The events leading to the Boston Tea Party began already ten years before ( 1763 ), when the English won the French-and-Indian War. The king of Britain passed taxes on the colonies to make up for the loss of money because of the war. He did it in a line of acts, called the Sugar Act ( tax to protect and secure the colonists ) and the Stamp Act ( tax on all licences, newspapers and business papers ). The colonists reacted with protests against those acts, what made the British Parliament to repeal the taxes within 5 months. Then they (the government ) passed taxes on lead, paint, paper and tea. These acts were called the Townshed Duties, but the colonists called them the "Insidious Acts". Mass meetings were held and people tried to influence others not to buy English imported goods anymore. In the end the parliament removed all the taxes except for tea. Actually the colonists easily didn't want to accept, to pay taxes to a government, they don't really belong to anymore. Although this tax on the tea cost a colonial family just pennies a year. Sam Adams, a kind of leader of the colonists, figured out, that the tax could be raised or lowered by the parliament at will. ( Sam Adams: "The power to tax is the power to destroy!" ).He also pointed out, that the colonists had no representation in the Parliament, and that they can't be taxed without having a representation in there, to care for their interests and wills. However, most people drank tea smuggled in from the Netherlands, so they didn't care very much whether the parliament raises or lowers the taxes.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Premchand and His Works Essay -- Premchand Biographies Poet Essays

Premchand and His Works May be for the western readers the name "Premchand" may be an alien name. But for the great lovers of the Indian literature, his name comes at the top list. There is hardly anyone who is oblivion about him, who has slight interest in Hindi and Urdu. Right from the childhood, children are fed with the rich and delicious short stories written by him. Not only that, in some homes, parents and grandparents narrate the stories of Premchand in place of lullaby. His popularity reached up to such an optimum point that most of his works were translated in various languages of the world. At present one can read his works in various languages. To begin with, Premchand was a poet, novelist, playwright and storywriter who wrote in Hindi and Urdu. Born on 31st of July 1880 at a village named, "Lamahi" near Benares, that falls in the Indian state Uttar Pradesh. Though he is popularly known as Premchand but his actual name was â€Å"Nawab† or â€Å"Dhanpat†. Premchand was his pseudonym, which he adopted in the year 1910 in order to ward off the wrath of British- India Government, after the government confiscated his work titled, â€Å" Sojay Waton†. He was bound to take pseudonym as he was in the threshold of his career. In one hand, his passion was writing and on other hand he was working as a teacher in government school. Due to his family problems he couldn’t give up the job and due to his passion, he couldn’t resist himself from writing. Finally he found a neutral solution and that was to adopt a pseudonym. His father was an ordinary man. His father was a poorly paid postal employee. Like other children, Premchand’s childhood also passed away playing, which is a blessing of the age of innocen... O Ham Sawab), Vardaan (Hindi, Jalwa-e-Isar in Urdu), Sevadadan (Hindi, Bazar-e-Hisn in Urdu), Remashrama (Hindi, Gosha-e-Afiyat in Urdu), Pratijnan, Nrimala, Gaban, Rangabhumi, Kayakalpa, Karmabhumi, Godaan and the unfinished Magalsutra. He wrote several memorable short stories like â€Å"Kafan†, many of them brought together in collections, for example, Soze-vatan. Premchand wrote on social issues like child widowhood, prostitution, and exploitation of the peasant by the landlord and on the freedom movement taking place all around him. His solutions were idealistic, but his great contribution lies in posing the question at that point in time, and through the medium of novels and short stories which had till then been restricted to romance. Premchand used literature for the importance purpose of arousing public awareness about national and social issues.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Burke-Litwin Casual model

Burke-Litwin Casual model is a model used by organizations to monitor organizational operations in terms of change and performance levels. The founders of the model were Litwin and some other people. In the 1980s Burke made the model more refined than they did (Burke & Litwin, 1992). Burke added some variables that make the model different from other models that had been in use. Burke-Litwin casual model is the latest model, more useful to organizations. The model has defined various variables that organizations should use for assessing their performances and changes. AT & T Structure.According to Burke-Litwin model, firms should have sound infrastructure systems such as duties and responsibilities, reports and authorities, communication and socialization that are geared towards meeting the organizations goals, strategies and missions. AT & T Corporation is a company that was established in the 1885. The company mission is to provide telecommunication services locally and internation ally. Their business strategy is to be efficient, affordable and competitive in the telecommunication sector as they maximize customer satisfaction. (Horton & Dorman, 2005).The company has been a provider of quality and highly reliable communication services for centuries. AT & T is well known for its wide range internet and multimedia services to both consumers and businesses worldwide. AT & T has more than two million customers in both private and governmental organizations, and in the domestic and international markets. AT&T applies departments and mechanistic style of management. The company is highly reputable in long distance communication services for both businesses and consumers all over the world. The structure of AT&T fits well with the Burke-Litwin model. (Horton & Dorman, 2005). Tasks and SkillsAccording to Burke & Litwin model, there are specific qualities and capabilities required for a person to fit in a given position (Burke & Litwin, 1992). An organization in busin ess should therefore check on that when recruiting members. AT & T emphasizes on high skilled staff to provide quality services to the customer. The company has highly invested on technology, innovations, high skills and dedicated customer care. These are the core competence factors. Dedicated customer care has attracted an increased number of customers and integrated network as a technology use has made AT & T to improve on communication services (Horton & Dorman).These factors makes AT & T fit the Burke & Litwin model Management practices According to Burke & Litwin (1992), organizations should assess how the managers deal with the other workers. For a success the employees should be given a chance to participate fully in developing an organization. In AT &T employees are allowed to take part in the production processes depending on which area they are specialized in. The organization calls for a teamwork and dedication. The management has always believed on partnerships to make t hem achieve their goals (Horton & Dorman, 2005).For instance they partnered with CBS hence a participatory management. This fits with the Burke & Litwin model. Systems and Policies Systems are the policies and mechanisms used in an organization as standards to facilitate quality improvements. These may include communication, sales and marketing, production methods (Burke & Litwin, 2005). According to Horton & Dorman (2005), AT & T believes on quality productions to satisfy the customers, hence the need for employing high skilled people. Sales and marketing is done by the sales and marketing team to sell the products.AT & T has specific charges for the customer services and also offer customized or personalized services to earn revenue. This is according to the Burke & Litwin model. Work unit climate This is the impression given by the members of an organization towards the organizational performance. This will in return influence their interrelationship (Burke & Litwin, 2005). AT & T Company has no specific social structures. AT & T has always considered employing domestic workers in large numbers as compared to the international.The company always outsourced rather than train the workers for such services (Horton & Dorman, 2005). This will make the employees feel a sense of belonging and be committed to their work. This doesn’t fit with the Burke & Litwin model. Motivation According to Burke & Litwin (2005), this is an inward driving force that makes one take the recommended actions to achieve a required goal. Howard (1994), employees’ satisfaction will directly affect customer satisfaction. AT & T has no plans in place to ensure the employees are well catered for. The employees are not recognized to be rewarded for good performances.This may make some of them loss focus on their responsibilities (Horton & Dorman, 2005). This doesn’t fit with the Burke & Litwin model. Conclusion. AT & T has a functional or product departmentation structur e. This is because the company has its departments arranged according to the functions they offer like sales and marketing. The departments are also arranged depending products they produce for instance consumer products in consumer services department or segment (Horton & Dorman, 2005). AT & T has a culture for their operations to meet customer satisfaction and always work in partnership for quality.Through quality products, AT & T improved on the revenue (Denison, 1990). Reference: Burke, W. W. & Litwin, G. H. (1992), A causal model of organizational performance and change. Journal of Management, 18 (3), pp. 523-545. Denison, D. R. (1990), Corporate culture and organizational effectiveness. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. Horton, W. T. and Dorman, D. W. (2005), AT & T Corporation. Securities and Exchange Commission Washington, DC 20549. From 10-K/A. Howard, A. (Ed. ) (1994), Diagnosis for organizational change: Methods and models. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.

Mona in the Promised Land By Gish Jen Essay

Cultural clashes are one of the defining marks of the early centuries wherein racial, ethnic and cultural difference are the most debated issues. Long before the entrance of globalization in the global scene, different nation-states did not really have the chance of making close relationships with their neighboring states especially when their cultures are the exact opposite of theirs. And for this reason, they tried to isolate themselves from other countries (or at most have communication or somewhat have indirect relationship toward other states that have almost similar culture and tradition) so as to preserve their cultural heritage. Fagan) But upon the outbreak of WW1 and WW2, culture, race and ethnicity became one of the pivotal prices that changed the world structure and order. On the other hand, the occurrence of the said world wars and the introduction of the concept of globalization were not the primordial root of such cultural clashes. Even during the time of the establishment of the first civilizations in almost all regions of the world, conflicts that were defined or motivated by cultural struggles were already preponderant. Hence, there is this historical origin of the said problem. Culture, Race and Ethnicity Culture is considered as a way of life. It implies that whatever man does or acts or believes it is its culture. Traditions and customs are subsets of culture. Even before an individual was born, there was already a defined culture to which he was already belonged. This culture was given to him by either his parents or his environment (or even both). Having this fact, a person cannot really say that he has chosen a particular culture for himself. But what is really true is that he was anticipated to adapt his parents and/or his environment’s culture. And only as he progresses or as he grows up that he exposes himself to other culture and tries to make some modifications on his possessed culture. Thus, one can be influenced by other foreign cultures. And that he can assimilate those cultures as he pleases. But the original cultural that he owns cannot really be thrown away. It sticks to one person as long as he lives. (Bolaffi) Race defines how man’s biological, sociological and cultural features are structured. Be it an American, an Asian or a European. But among the races that which suffers a lot are the races of the Blacks (the Africans). During the struggle of the Black-Americans regarding the slavery issue, they were perceived as the race that which is the most inferior (for they believed then that the standard for superiority can be measured through the color of the skin). As a result of such conception, the Blacks were badly maltreated and their dignity was really degraded. Historically, the Blacks received the most numbered and prominent manifestations of racial discrimination. (Bolaffi) Ethnicity comes into the picture as subset of culture (as stated earlier in this paper). It goes with the idea that every individual is either belonged to a single group which has the same affiliation and identity as that individual or has a two or more ethnic origins. That which is very evident in the concept of ethnicity is the belief that there is this one single historical origin that is common to all those members of a particular ethnic group. And as branch of culture, it entails traditions and customs as well as practices and beliefs that are exclusive to each ethnic group. (Bolaffi) Now imagine when one tries to penetrate a particular culture that is defined by a singular and specific race and ethnicity. Surely, clash of cultural differences and ideologies will arise. But such adaption to different cultures and varied customs and traditions is not really impossible. As mentioned earlier, one can define his culture by either adapting his parents’ culture or by adapting his environment’s culture. However, the latter poses much struggle and criticisms not only for individuals but also for nation-states (especially those that suffered from colonialism). On the Novel: Mona in the Promised Land  The novel was all about a girl named Mona (a half Chinese and half American) who was become so enthralled with the Jewish society that she declared that she would convert herself into Jew. Such was the conflict of the story. She was Chinese-American and yet she wanted to belong herself in the Jewish tradition and belief. That is the very thing that signaled her own conflict with her father. (Jen) Mona situated herself into a large circle of people. She was with Americans, Chinese, Japanese, Blacks and Jews. She learned and discovered many things about the different cultures that her companions and circle of friends have. At any rate she appreciated those cultures. Being a Chinese-American she knows well that her ethnic origins were somewhat in conflict. Nonetheless it did not undermine her will to live the life that she wanted. The stories that were revealed to her by the Black people inspired her to be proud of her race. Unfortunately when he became so much in tuned of the Jewish religion/tradition, her life became so much criticized not only by other people who used to sit with her and have talks but also of her own family – especially his father. Although their family – her mother and mother and herself – was more distinguished as Chinese, her father wanted her to act and project herself as a full-pledged American. Americanization became her father’s everyday reminder for her. As a result, the structure of their family, their beliefs and practices and their characters were Americanized. And that was her parents’ want. However, even if she was born in American she refused to pretend and act like a true-blooded American whom she was really not. She tried to discover her own culture. But his did not mean that she would have to throw away her original culture and solely embrace a foreign culture. This only suggested that she would establish her own preferred culture or belong herself to her chosen culture and would not try hard to be someone else just to fit in with other standards (like that of the American attitude). The climax of the story was when Mona finally declared to her parents that she would convert herself into the Jewish religion. Her father was totally against such conversion. Her family especially her father believed that the being a Jew would only make her life miserable and inferior to others. Her father believed that the American culture was the most superior culture even with that of their Chinese culture. He mentioned the entire things that the American culture brought into this world like those of the more and recent technological advancements. Yet, Mona did not bend with that argumentation. The novel revealed the undeniable role of religion in shaping the culture of a particular individual. As what was described in it, Mona found the Jewish religion as more like of her own principles and beliefs. She absorbed the Jewish doctrines and practices the way she wanted. It did not become hard for her to understand and appreciate the Jewish tradition since she was at first exposed to different cultures. But the very thing that made her decide to make herself belong in that Jewish religion is that she was in the Jewish community such that their influence was really irresistible. Not only that. It was very hard for her to stick to her original culture when all that she had was its exact opposite. The bottom line was that she pursued such conversion and lived the Jewish way. The moral lesson of the story (if it can be classified as one) is that a particular thing does not really assure you of the happiness that it could offer only through its tag or label. But what really matters is that you really like that thing and that there is nothing that pushes you to pick such choice. In short, happiness comes if a person willfully chooses it. Historical, Sociological and Political Issues The Americanization Since the coming of the globalization period, Westernization, particularly Americanization was a big issue. What does it take to be Americanized? And what is the trade-off of becoming an Americanized person? There is this big assumption that America is the world’s most superior race. Being the world’s sole superpower, people regard American culture to be the only culture that could give the people a better life (just like how Mona’s parents believed). Political stability, great economic standing and supreme influence among nations and states in the world, are the characteristics that best describe America. However, America is neither an ideal state nor a perfect sanctuary for all people. (O’Dell) America is branded as the melting pot of the world (world’s culture). This is the place wherein people of different races and different culture can freely live and pursue their goals in life without being constrained. But that is only a loose description. America surely offers and provides the world with so many things for development and progress. However, isn’t it overgeneralization to say that American culture is the best culture among other cultures in the world? Let us say that American people do not really claim such. However, other cultures regard such thing as truth. The result is that people in the world idolizes and patronizes American culture having this conception that if they would try to live the American life then their lives would really improved and they would live in prosperity. But such is only a misconception. A person can make himself improve and progress regardless of his cultural inclinations, and racial and ethnic origins. But then it still goes with the idea that the society does not limit its citizens to showcase their interests, talents and capabilities as well as their personal beliefs. In relation with the novel, Mona was constrained by her father and told that converting herself into Jewish would make her life miserable. But then Mona believed that by his faith, her life would be at peace and would be secured. Choosing a religion is a right (with reference to the Universal Declaration of Rights). And having it as a right would mean that such would not badly affect the lives of individuals. And such would not be used as standard for looking at a person’s life. Perhaps most Americans cannot be termed as pure Americans. By appealing to their original cultures, traditions and customs, Americans can be seen as a very general form of culture that which is also comprised of different cultures. The Chinese Principle Historically speaking, Chinese was known as the main land in Asia. Being revered and served by other nations. It has been said that the Chinese people regard themselves as the supreme race in the whole Asia such that everyone should pay respect and look at every Chinese with veneration. China termed those nations beyond its kingdom as barbarians. It implies that China is the central and the sole bearer of power and authority in Asia. However such conception about China was erased when it was attacked and conquered by the Western nations. No matter how China received tragic experiences and great insults from the Western conquerors, China never regard herself as a conquered and defeated nation. It preserves such principle by inculcating in the minds of all the Chinese people the great and rich history of their Chinese culture. It inspires every Chinese to be more proud of their cultural heritage even if their physical features are really different from the Western features. Nonetheless, not all Chinese remain loyal with such principle. Some Chinese people consider adapting the culture of the other nations so as to improve their way of living. In the novel, Mona’s father can be regarded as on of those Chinese people who would put aside his Chinese pride and dignity in order to assure him a life of prosperity in the cradle of the American culture. Well, it is not really bad to adapt to foreign culture as long as it would not mean a re-identification of oneself. It means that as long as a person accepts and recognizes his authentic origins while making some modifications in his cultural belief it does not entail a total denial of the original culture. Mona did not really deny her Chinese heritage. She is even proud to be a Chinese. On the other hand, Mona did not see herself as a solid Chinese whose beliefs and practices are confined with the ancient and traditional Chinese religions. She rather saw herself as a person whom can only grow in the arms of the Jewish religion. For Mona, such conversion was no big deal. But for her parents it was really a form of infidelity to her cultural heritage (well, her father did not really appear as someone who advocated Chinese principles and ideologies but more of a person who wanted to make Mona a full turned-American person). As for the story, the Chinese side of Mona and her parent was not really highlighted. It played a very little role that it could not be even considered as a principal source of cultural conflict that was evident in the novel. Mona in the Arms of the Jewish Tradition Mona rather chose Jewish culture and tradition than making herself absorbed and lived the American culture. For Mona, it was not if one was an American, a Chinese, a Black or a Jew, the most important thing was that you know what is right and you did not step on anyone’s foot. Living in such principle she pursued her life the Jewish way. Judaism is the religion of the Jews. It is a monotheistic religion since it believes and advocates that there is only one God. And this God is the supreme legislator of laws. He is the Divine Creator whom created the world and its order. And that mankind committed sin against this Supreme Entity. The only way for them to be saved from those sins is to be united with God by living a good life – and that life is illustrated by the Jewish culture. (Sarna) There is really nothing wrong with Mona’s decision of converting herself into a Jew. Her personal belief and her faith cannot really be managed by other people but only by herself. Her father was only in opposition with her decision primarily because he thought that if Mona would really move towards the Jewish way of life, she might be lost because of her initial Chinese and American culture. Having both Chinese and American culture is really a struggle for any person. It would be more complicated if one would include the Jewish culture, and that is exactly what the clash of the cultures suggests. To end this paper, the historical, sociological and political issues that can be drawn from the novel are really directed toward diversity and conflict among cultures in the world. There is really no possible way that culture can be universalized or standardized. However, such cultural differences can be managed by simply paying respect to other cultures that have different structure and tradition from one’s own culture. Only then that people would really resolve such conflict regarding the clash of cultures.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Of mice and men †What u think happened in Weed Essay

It was getting dark; the hot humid winds blew from the starless sky over the heads of exhausted ranch workers in the quiet town of Weed. George, along with the rest of his team headed towards the cabin as Lennie, the friendly giant followed behind. Today had been a long day; every worker had been on the field for over twelve hours. Working overtime was the only way to make an extra few dollars which was crucial to many of the men. As they arrived to the cabin, one by one the men washed and prepared for the next day. The clock hit nine and the cabin went silent, the sounds of George snoring echoed as the others slept in peace. The limited hours of sleep ticked by and were soon over. The next morning arrived as the alarms went off, the sounds of tired men yawning whizzed from bed to bed as the men got up for a hard day of labour. Once again one by one they lined up for a wash and set of for the fields. As usual Lennie was last to wash and so once again George had to wait as George and Lennie were as one force. George stuck by Lennie throughout his life as he was the only form of family he had. Lennie’s lacks of knowledge lead to him being George’s responsibility and so George stuck by him throughout everything. However both men left the cabin and set of for the fields. The sun was blazing down, droplets of sweat poured down their faces as they arrived to the fields. Both men had arrived late for the third time this week; they got straight to work as the boss walked by inspecting how everyone was getting on’You late again georgy boy, carry on this way and u’ll be hitting the road and that goes for the big one too’ pointing his short crooked fingers to the direction of Lennie ‘Won’t happen again boss’ replied George hesitantly. The ranch workers were terrified of the boss, he was a mysterious guy, no one actually knew anything about him let alone his actual name. He would spend his whole day walking through the fields looking for someone in the wrong for him to pick on. George just kept out his way as he didn’t want no trouble just wanted to make the money and head off to buy a little farm house and live the American dream. The day finally came to an end, and on top of everything it was a Friday, looking forward to the two days off George and the boys decided to go into town. As the men headed of for the cabin Lennie followed walking half a mile behind the rest as usual singing to him self. ‘Go straight back to the cabin and go to bed, me and the boys gonna hit inta town so don’t stay awake’ instructed George to Lennie’Ok George’ replied the big fellow, repeating quietly the instruction from George. Lennie made his way back towards the cabin strolling through the muddy fields all alone denting gigantic footprints behind him. As he arrived back to the cabin all alone, he watched George and the other men making their way for a night out. Although Lennie never asked to join them he felt left out, he felt different and less important as he was the only man left behind. Feeling sympathatic towards himself he decided to go off for a walk instead of going back to an empty cabin. He started walking through the dark muddy fields, his boots covered with large bulks of mud making it hard for him to lift of the ground to take the next step, lost in his own thoughts he carried on walking until his leg finally got stuck so deep in the mud he dropped, his large figure fell to the ground with an impact leaving the ground surface all uneven. He layed motionless on the ground for a few second before deciding to get up. Finally he made an effort to get back to his feet when to his shock he realised a young women standing above him looking down at him offering her hand to pull him up. He gazed into her eyes, his head started spinning her beauty was undescribable her red lipstick shone aginst the moonlight as her long silky hair ran down her back. Shocked by her beauty Lennie just carried on looking into her eyes, she looked back into his with a confused smile flashing off her face ‘you ok there?’ the women asked politely ‘you want a hand getting up big man, didnt you see thea sign no walking through the fields at night! it’s there for a reason!’ Lennie was lost in her beauty, not listening to nothing she said he put out his hand to accept help from the women, she grabbed on to his enormous rough hand trying to pull him up using both her soft hands. She tried to pull the big man off the ground who made no effort to try get up himself, he just gazed into her eyes as if he was lost in them. She used all her strength to help him up but Lennie didnt move an inch. As she released the power, tired of pulling, Lennie gave a slight pull on her left hand. The women came flying down directly ontop of him but hitting her head against the mud. The women layed directly above him, Lennie’s heart beat increased as the women didn’t move, he gently turned her of him to his left. While moving her body of himself he realised droplets of blood on her forehead. Lennie’s heart rate increased, he started to take long deep breathes and got to his feet instantly. He stood above her to realise she had hit her head onto a rock which layed on the mud. Lennie’s panic began to increas now that he figured out the women was dead, he was now going to get into trouble once again and let George down. Feeling terrified and confused, Lennie made a run, he ran through the fields falling after every few steps as he realised a light being shone in his direction, it was his boss. ‘What you doing out here at this time big man’ shouted the boss curiously with his voice echoeing through the fields, however Lennie’s fear forced him to ignore the boss and carry on running. He ran and ran untill he finaly made it to the cabin. Lennie entered the cabin and went straight to his bunk where he sat up waiting for George. Hours went past and the men were not back, Lennie left the cabin and stood outside.The winds blew with force and a few minutes later Lennie saw George and the men walking back in the distance, George saw Lennie outside the cabin from a far distance and ran towards him. ‘What you doing up awake at this time, I told u I was going to be late’said George in a dim and tired voice and suddenly Lennie bursted into tears as he explained himself to George about what happened. After hearing the news George also began to panic ‘we have to leave Lennie now’ both men packed their bags as the other men fell into their deep sleep and left as they had no other choice. Although Lennie had meant no harm on th women Lennie’s life would be at risk, he would be blamed for murder and with no evidence to prove his innocence he would most likely be killed. The only way to avoid this was to go on the run so both men set off for the woods to get as far away from the town of weed as possible. Â  

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How Ponyboy Changes Throughht the Outsiders Essay

I hereby give my consent to have an athletic trainer, coach, team manager, emergency medical technician, nurse, medical treatment facility, and/or doctor of medicine or dentistry or associated personnel provide the applicant/participant with medical assistance and/or treatment and agree to be financially responsible for the cost of such assistance and/or treatment. I understand treatment for injury will be based on information provided herein. I hereby authorize emergency transportation of the applicant/participant to a medical treatment facility should an individual listed above consider it to be warranted. I recognize the possibility of physical injury associated with soccer, and hereby release, discharge, and otherwise indemnify the club, US Club Soccer, their sponsors, the USSF and its affiliated organizations, and the employees and associated personnel of these organizations, against any claim by or on behalf of the soccer player named above as a result of that player’s participation in US Club Soccer programs and/or being transported to or from the same, which transportation.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Review of a cotemporary film feat. black people or a prominent Black Essay - 1

Review of a cotemporary film feat. black people or a prominent Black performer - Essay Example Coming from a family who holds great pride in being black and prominent, Kenya is picky with her men and very much single. At the start of the movie, being â€Å"all that† yet single is starting to get to her. She finally agrees after much persuasion from her friends to go out on her very first blind date, and as if this were not uncomfortable enough, she enters Starbucks to find her date good-looking—and very much white. She goes jittery all of sudden doing small talk to strangers of the same skin color. Is it guilt? Is it fear of public judgment? Whatever it is, it is significantly beyond surprise. She dumps her Caucasian blind date, Brian Kelly (Simon Baker), in record time. But as fate would have it, they meet again at a common friend’s engagement party and he ends up being her landscape architect. The movie shows Kenya as highly professional, impeccably organized, admirably devoted to work. In other words, she is horribly uptight. Brian is unlike Kenya as much in personality as in color. He is accomplished but rugged, direct but sweet, dependable but spontaneous. After some Saturdays and despite much resistance, they fall in love and it seems although he has exactly what she needed—warmth and spontaneity. She takes out the weave that straightens her hair, and wears her natural curls. Soon her garden comes to life, and so does the rest of her house. Kenya repaints her house essentially getting rid of more than just the original â€Å"safe† color beige. She gets rid of her stops, and in the words of her brother (Donald Faison), she starts â€Å"dating white men.† Although much of Kenya has changed, some of the deeply-rooted sensibilities remain. Happy as she is, dating out of her race makes her publicly uncomfortably, and the rest of her friends and family are not making it any easier. The movie shows Brian to be more nonchalant about the situation or perhaps more patient

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Strategy Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Strategy Paper - Essay Example To analyze this phenomenon, WJ Wood had this to say i.e. "The Americans did not simply outlast the British in the Revolutionary War, but, won their independence by employing superior strategies, tactics and leadership".2 Wood was however, only half-correct because Britain, with its status as the world's prime conqueror and as a veteran of many major wars, was no stranger and in fact replete with superior strategies and wily tactics and was blessed with the best military leaders. Therefore, there must be other factors that went into the equation to produce Britain's shameful defeat. First consideration was the fact that Britain was waging a war in a land, more than 3,000 miles away and we can only conjecture that there would be problems of logistics and communication PM Lord North, Secretary of State George Germain) "never provided the timely guidance and the commanders in the field never furnished accurate enough predictions of what to expect and differed so much among themselves as to the proper course to pursue".3 A more formidable problem was the difficulty of sending transports of ammunitions, military equipment and troops just in time to stem the tide of a particular battle in Britain's favor. It also had to battle inclement weather and fierce winds. Second consideration, was the fact that Britain had to design a multi-pronged strategy to answer simultaneous threats that may divide the kingdom. The American rebellion was only one front. The possible invasion by France and Spain was another. The need to cohesively cement its hold on Canada, West Indies, Gibraltar and India was yet another. It was clear that these "limited the options available to the British"4 and not to mention divide the British forces. In sharp contrast, the colonists were waging a war in their own backyard. Thus, they enjoyed the advantage of a familiar terrain and a cooperative citizenry, called the militia, which is generally hostile to the British. The strategies and tactics may not be at par with British standards but they were well coordinated, controlled and centralized by the Continental Congress based in Philadelphia and later in Annapolis, Md. To finance the war, the Congress employed diplomatic and psychological strategy on France and Spain with successful results. The rest of the money was obtained through deft arm twisting of the populace i.e. loans; forced loans with certificates of indebtedness; levies; issuance of continental currency. In that age when cellphones, internet, two-way radios haven't seen the light of day, the colonists had the Committee of Safety, composed of mounted messengers of which Paul Revere was the most

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Visual Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Visual Analysis - Assignment Example This document aims provides visual analysis of the painting, it shall further determine basic visual elements to analyze the artwork ‘Harmony in Red’. Analyzing the painting ‘Harmony in Red’ it can be observed that the painting portrays a scenario of the dinning room decorated with various types of fruits, vases and flowers. The painting gives an overall cheerful and bright affect in the minds of the people. The background of the painting is bright red; the motifs from the wall are falling down on the tablecloth of the dinning table. At the right hand side of the painting is a woman who is busy decorating the vases and fruit baskets on the table. In the middle, is a fruit basket that seems to be blurred and at the left are the chair and window. The window provides a different affect to the painting; use of cool colors of the window in the painting gives brighter affect to the painting. The painting is a bright luminous painting showing various objects in the painting. Analyzing the painting, it can be observed that the artist has made use of contour lines and implied line for showing the expression and sight of the women in the painting. The artist makes use of counter line to shoe define facial expression. In addition, the chair in the painting is made up of the same line, whereas the background of the painting has shaded and soft stroke to give a soft affect to the brightness of the red color. Analyzing the colors of the painting it can be observed that the use of red is extensively used in the painting with few blue line sin the motifs of the painting. This shows that the artist makes use of warm colors in the painting more than the cool cools. Warm colors create a warm and sensual impact in the minds of the viewers. Matisse in the painting makes excessive use of the saturation in the painting. In order to create a bright and warm look in the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Monachy of the Middle ages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Monachy of the Middle ages - Essay Example At this point leadership followed the Roman standard of having an Emperor, who took power through being named as successor or through overthrowing the previous successor. At the start of the early middle ages, Justinian I (who ruled from 527-565) was able to restore some of the western territories to the empire, however most remained under Germanic control. The Macedonian dynasty rose to power in 867, cementing the influence of what remained of the Roman Empire1. Those in the West were considered to be barbarians, and any advances that they made were scorned or ignored. The Germanic monarchy in the West was formed from the leaders of tribes and this was often known as the Barbaric Monarchy. Unlike in the East, there was no single leader; instead there were multiple kings, each of whom had to follow three functions. These were: to act as a leader at the time of warfare, as a judge during assemblies and as a priest when sacrifice was needed. Unlike the system in Eastern Europe, under G ermanic monarchy, all sons had equal right to rule. This often resulted in co-rulership of the tribes. Under Germanic monarchy, there were three levels, similar to the class system present in the Roman Empire; these were the king, the nobility and the free man2. The Late Middle Ages (c. 1300-1500 CE) were differentiated by a strong advancement in the level of knowledge and cultural attainment that were obtained. In addition, towns were becoming established as self-sustaining entities that were distinct from one another. Social unrest was prevalent with much of the population being lost through plagues and famines. The influence of monarchs and ruling powers over their citizens was substantially decreased as the consequent of the development of state laws3. These laws were designed to ease the growing civil unrest by providing civilians with reassurance, and by the creation of a system that was distinct from the whims and desires of the monarch. Nevertheless, the monarch remained the predominant power within the Late Middle Ages, determining which laws were established and which were not. Consequently, the Late Middle Ages differed from the Early Middle Ages through the development of more consolidated monarchies and increases in the rights of citizens. The creation of state laws allowed for the application of justice that was relevant to the case in question. Part Two: The Role of Religion on Western Civilization Religious activities have had a significant impact on the formation and development of the Western civilization between the years of 1050 and 1690 CE. One source of this influence was the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church was not the only strong religious influence of the Middle Ages, another was Judaism and Christianity in general as well as the Protestant religion. In 1054, an event known as the East-West Schism saw the division of the roman church into two divisions, the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church. This was the first developme nt of the Catholic Church as its own entity. The Catholic Church exerted powerful influence on the lives of citizens determining many of the ways in which they interacted and what they could and could not do. An example of this is contraception. Contraception was considered immoral under the Catholic religion, and consequently no member was allowed to use any method of birth control. The result was